I read AWESOME blogs all the time, and I wanted something special to call my readers... The Bloggess calls her readers "minions" (which I SOOOO fucking totally envy, but I ADORE her so I'm willing to sacrifice it), and Lauren at "Filing Jointly..... Finally" calls her readers "blogstalkers" (again.... SOOOO love that) so those were both taken. But Matthew - my loving, totally awesome, and not NEARLY as laid-back-as-me husband - tends to refer to me as his "Special Friend" (yes, the caps are mandatory) if he doesn't get any sort of freaky contact in 24 hours or more - so I'm going with that (to make me feel better, and to not make me want to punch him in the 'nads when he says it, cuz-I-so-totally-do-now-since-we've-been-married-for-11-goddamn-years-and-I'm-past-that-"oh we're so cute cuz we're new"-phase).
So.. SFs, going forward, you can expect from me: AWESOME food (yes - I'm a foodie-in my own mind since I have no real training other than two unBELIEVEably awesome Parents and I've been cooking since I could stand on a stool and see over the counter), BAD language (I could apologize, but Fuck You), and totally messed up, weird crap that goes through my mind on any given day. Hope you stop in to visit!
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